This time around, I made two popular sizes, so those of you who need 1280x768 aren't left out! Both sizes are in the zip so there's no guessing which you need. Thanks to all the amazing designers for their fun summery designs! Check out the credit list under the preview and then look them up...their products always rock! Have a great rest-of-the-holiday night everyone...and thanks for stopping by!
May 31, 2010
June Desktop Freebie!!
Happy Memorial Day everyone! I hope you are all relaxing after a fun filled day of cook outs, swimming, boating, or what ever it is you enjoy. I thought I wouldn't make it on time, but I actually finished this before June! I had fun making it...I had strawberries on the brain because our local farms are all laden with fresh berries around here. The warm weather brought the harvest a few weeks early, so there are strawberries everywhere!
This time around, I made two popular sizes, so those of you who need 1280x768 aren't left out! Both sizes are in the zip so there's no guessing which you need. Thanks to all the amazing designers for their fun summery designs! Check out the credit list under the preview and then look them up...their products always rock! Have a great rest-of-the-holiday night everyone...and thanks for stopping by!
This time around, I made two popular sizes, so those of you who need 1280x768 aren't left out! Both sizes are in the zip so there's no guessing which you need. Thanks to all the amazing designers for their fun summery designs! Check out the credit list under the preview and then look them up...their products always rock! Have a great rest-of-the-holiday night everyone...and thanks for stopping by!
May 26, 2010
For Today... I'm a little late
To participate, head over to the Daybook Blog!
Outside my window: it is sunny and warm...finally feels like spring!I am hearing: the chattering of the TV and the dog snoring in the corner.
I am wearing: yoga pants, a tee shirt, and my sneakers. Heading out for a jog later.
From the kitchen: Just had some Strawberries with yogurt and a small bowl of corn flakes.
I am thankful for: friends. If not for a friend's insight I wouldn't have made a huge self discovery that sparked a new journey. My how things change in a day or so, huh? I am also thankful for my supportive husband, who just accepts me for who I am and doesn't think I am crazy :-)
I am going: to keep following this path, even if I am afraid sometimes.
Noticing that: self discovery is exciting, scary, and amazing all at once.
I am reading: The Pull of the Moon by Elizabeth Berg
From the learning rooms: I have spent a lot of time the last few days buried in books at the book store! I have found out that I am not crazy. The way I feel has a name, and it is HSP. I am a Highly Sensitive Person. I always thought this was a bad thing, but now I know it is a divine gift. I am learning more about myself now, thanks to a friend who put me on this path last week. Highly Sensitive Person, Empath...they were all terms I had never heard before then! I can't thank you enough (you know who you are) for showing me this door, and for the help opening it!
On my mind: I am thinking of my best friend today, in Asheville, NC. Though I am unable to be there in body, in spirit, I am with him as he and a whole lot of other wonderful people gather to celebrate his mother's life. She was a wonderful woman, and I love that right now, there is a celebration of color and life going on in her honor!
Quote for Thought: This is more of a affirmation than a quote. I read this while researching Reiki:
"Just for today, do not worry. Just for Today, do not be angry. Just for today, have gratitude and give thanks. Just for today, be honest in your work. Just for today, be kind to all living things."
One of my favorite things: sea shells and sand in my toesI'm creating: new ways of thinking for myself. Hopefully, this new path will open up my creativity in new ways!
Around the house: a sleeping dog down stairs, and a sleeping cat up stairs! I need to go for my jog before all these napping animals make me sleepy!
A few plans for the week: house work of course, but I plan on some more book shop trips, and I will try to walk/jog every day.
From my lens: My husband and I spent some time at Presque Isle in Erie yesterday, and I am thankful the lake front is so close to feeling like the ocean! I never cease to feel restored after a stroll by the water...
May 18, 2010
For Today... Daybook for May 18th
To participate in The Daybooks, click HERE.
Outside my window: still chilly for May,and rainy.
I am hearing: rain, not much else.
I am wearing: my bumming-around-the-house jeans, and a tee shirt.
From the kitchen: maybe some coffee, I haven't decided yet.
I am thankful for: people willing to help when you need it the know who you are, and thank you :-)
I am going: to have to figure out why I can't get out of this rut I'm in.
Noticing that: that money may not buy happiness, but it sure is a great destresser.
I am reading: Welcome to the World Baby Girl by Fanny Flagg
From the learning rooms: my hubby make 100% on his test today. He's doing so well.
On my mind: everything and nothing...ever feel like that? Sometimes, I think it'd be nice to just sit and have no thoughts or feelings at all. Just be numb.
Quote for Thought: Go to, they have wonderful quotes. "I feel like a defective model, like I came off the assembly line flat-out (screwed-up) and my parents should have taken me back for repairs before the warranty ran out." Elizabeth Wurtzel
One of my favorite things: sleeping late, snuggled in my blankets with my cat. I'm creating: a whole lot of nothing. I feel stuck ... It's like my brain has shut down...
Around the house: laundry and dishes to wash, towels to fold...I'm sure I've forgotten something...
A few plans for the week: catch up on the house work, finish up the book I am currently reading, and make myself get back to exercising regularly. just like last week, I have been trying to scrap and/or create, but I just can't seem to get anything to work for me.
From my lens: the chilly sunset on Lake Erie a few days ago...
May 14, 2010
Sharing an Awesome Community and One of My Pages!
I'm a big fan digital scrapbooking. I guess that's not too big a secret though, now is it? I realized that I haven't posted a single one of my pages on this blog. It must be that I upload them all to my Facebook page and groups and forget to share them here. Well, since I found an awesome group on Facebook, I thought it was a good time to share that and one of my pages!
Digital Scrapaholics Anonymous is a fun group on Facebook, and how can you not LOVE the name?!
Hello, my name is Melissa, and I am addicted to Digital Scrapbooking!
Well, everyone interested in the medium in the least little bit should head over to their page and join the group! Macy and Janet, the fun ladies that run the group, are amazing! I really enjoy the group because it is a place to simply share your projects and get inspiration from other's while you're at it! They have fun challenges and things too, so run on over to Facebook and join in the digiscrappin' fun! You won't regret it!
I was so excited about the feed back from fellow scrappers on the DSA group, but today I got an email that sent through the roof! One of the pages I shared had been chosen as the Layout of the Week!! So, since I haven't shared any pages here before, I thought I'd start with the one they chose! (If you guys are reading this...Thanks again Macy and Janet!!)
I made this as a birthday present for my twin sister this past November. The poem I used had been a gift from her to me on a beautifully scrapped page for a birthday a few years before, but I knew she didn't have it out to read for herself. I thought she should, and this is what I came up with. I love my poem so much, and I hope she knows that.
"Sisters" by Melissa Sherbon
Poem by Martha S.
my digital pages,
sharing cool stuff
May 11, 2010
For Today...May 11th
To participate in the Daybook, please visit The Simple Woman's Daybook Blog!
Outside my window: it's a little cloudy and breezy, and the sun is stretching it's legs. I think it's going to rain today.
I am thinking: what I should show my sister while she is visiting my new town for the first time! And about how blessed I is now one year and seven months that I have been married to the best guy ever.
I am thankful: for a lot. That my husband works so hard for our little family...that God provides, even though I might be anxious about it sometimes...and that I get to see my sister for a few days :-)
From the learning rooms: My hubby is off to school as we speak. He is making all A's according to his latest report! As for me, I think I'm still learning to try taking things a day at the time.
From the kitchen: COFFEE, it's 7:45 a.m. for goodness sake!
Outside my window: it's a little cloudy and breezy, and the sun is stretching it's legs. I think it's going to rain today.
I am thinking: what I should show my sister while she is visiting my new town for the first time! And about how blessed I is now one year and seven months that I have been married to the best guy ever.
I am thankful: for a lot. That my husband works so hard for our little family...that God provides, even though I might be anxious about it sometimes...and that I get to see my sister for a few days :-)
From the learning rooms: My hubby is off to school as we speak. He is making all A's according to his latest report! As for me, I think I'm still learning to try taking things a day at the time.
From the kitchen: COFFEE, it's 7:45 a.m. for goodness sake!
I am reading: Welcome to the World Baby Girl by Fannie Flagg. (LOVE her books)
I am creating: a whole lotta nothing at the moment. I guess I'm in a rut and the sides are too steep to get out...
I am hoping: that my sister makes it here safe and sound, and that she makes it home safe in a few days. Oh, and that she has fun while she's here!
Around the house: house work, house work, and some house work. In between reading :-)
One of my favorite things: quality sister time :-)
A few plans for the rest of the week: the only plan I have this week is to think up things to do in the area that my sister will enjoy. I would like to take Tater (my pug nephew) to the lake to see a big body of water for the first time!
Here is picture for thought I am sharing: in honor of my sister's visit, a sister picture, and a picture of my favorite nephew...Tater!
I am hoping: that my sister makes it here safe and sound, and that she makes it home safe in a few days. Oh, and that she has fun while she's here!
Around the house: house work, house work, and some house work. In between reading :-)
One of my favorite things: quality sister time :-)
A few plans for the rest of the week: the only plan I have this week is to think up things to do in the area that my sister will enjoy. I would like to take Tater (my pug nephew) to the lake to see a big body of water for the first time!
Here is picture for thought I am sharing: in honor of my sister's visit, a sister picture, and a picture of my favorite nephew...Tater!
My sister and me! This was on the morning of a birthday surprise trip November 2009. She took me horseback riding! |
Eating the icing laden cake I made for our 29th birthday (yeap, twins!) at the best Chinese bistro ever...P.F.Chang! |
This was on a visit to Oconee National Forest in SC near my sister's house sometime in 2008, right before I got married |
My little nephew Tater! He was hoping he wasn't about to be made to get up from his couch nap :-) |
May 6, 2010
The Daily Excitement of a Pennsylvania House Wife... Birds in the House!
Ok. I love birds. Love listening to them outside the window in the morning. They are like little music boxes, the best soundtrack there is on a walk around the block, or sitting in the lawn chair reading. Birds are great...outside.
Why specify? Well, today I slept in way too late, and came downstairs about 11:30. Powered up the computer, and turned on the TV. When I hit the power button and the TV came to life, there was a sudden flurry of batting wings and a huge black blur swooped down over my head. Of course, I ducked for cover and ran into the kitchen, all the time hearing the thing right behind me. I was half way down the stairs to the basement before I turned around, all the time thinking, Oh crap, it's a bat, it's a bat, it's a bat...
The black bird was clinging to the screen in the kitchen window. He'd let go, flutter about, slam the screen, and squawk. I ran outside to gather my thoughts, maybe see if the screens came off from the outside. They didn't. The bird sat there staring at me from the kitchen. Little help here? was all over his face.
I crept back into the kitchen, but he was no where to be seen. At least he solved the problem of getting the screens open without getting pecked to death for me. So, I opened the screens, and even the back door in hopes he'd fly right by me. No such luck. I'd scared him further into the house...which was just great.
Flash forward about two hours. I had started thinking that maybe he'd escaped some other way, or maybe the open door helped. So, I settled in to checking up on Facebook and answering emails. I even took a break from that to walk the dog. Who, by the way, had bird crap on her back...evidence the bird had a sense of humor. Since there was still no sign of him though, I began chatting with a friend. She said birds can hide for a long time before feeling safe enough to come out. Greeeeat.
I couldn't have made it up if I wanted to...when she said that, the damn thing started rustling in the ceiling. He took off toward the dining room. I tried to keep up. I think I saw him fly the coop from the kitchen window after a detour smashing into the dining room windows I didn't open. I'm not absolutely sure.
I hope he is free and singing in the maple outside, because I have had enough excitement for today!
**Update!! I am finding little plops of bird poop in very odd places...
Though, thank God, they are all on hard, easily disinfected surfaces!**
May 4, 2010
For Today... Simple Woman's Daybook for May 4th
Outside my window... the sun is coming up, my husband is leaving for school, and the birds are chirping. Sounds like a nice start to the day...hope it is!
I am thinking... how nice it would be to win the lottery. I know a lot of people have huge dreams of what they'd buy. I'd just be thankful to know I'd have enough money to live on for the rest of my life. (That is, of course, if I won the Power Ball or something, LOL)
I am thankful for... a husband that isn't afraid to get on the phone and handle bill issues. I hate phone calls, especially ones that are made to fix a problem that wasn't my fault, yet they blame you anyway. Oh, and I'm VERY thankful for a certain bank manager in South Carolina. Unlike our (soon-to-be-former) insurance company, he knows what customer service means!
I am wearing... jammies, of course, it's early!
I am going... to scream if I have on more issue with anything whatsoever!
I am currently reading... Heart-Shaped Box by Joe Hill. I hear he is Stephen King's son, and I can see where he gets his talent!!!
From the learning rooms... Rob is still making A's, and I am still very proud of him! Though, we got a letter saying tuition was going up...will the stream of regrettable news never cease?
I am hoping... that my blues start looking up sooner rather than later.
Noticing that... one tends to want things more when they don't have the means to pay for them...why is that?
Pondering these words... The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it. ~Emerson
I am hearing... birdies chirping in the tree out front and my cat meowing, wondering where I got off to this time.
From the kitchen... coffee please! Oh, with that new Sugar Free Italian Creme please!
Around the house... chores, chores, and more chores!
One of my favorite things... digging in the dirt. I had so much fun wedding the future flower beds Sunday. What is it about manual labor in the dirt that is so satisfying?
A few plans for the rest of the week: My husband and I are going to assemble a small stone wall around our empty flowerbed, I should really find my paints, and I have to find a new car insurance agency. Did I mention Customer Service is EVERYTHING when you, uh, serve the public!?!?
Here is picture for thought I am sharing... my husband and I were out collecting stones for our mini garden wall and decided to stroll through the local garden center in Harborcreek for some floral inspiration. They are really helpful at Stan's, and there are loads for beautiful things. Here were two of my favorite things from our visit :-)
A beautiful peony at Stan's Garden Center! It was the size of a dinner plate!

LOL, I'm an herb, and didn't even know it!

A beautiful peony at Stan's Garden Center! It was the size of a dinner plate!
LOL, I'm an herb, and didn't even know it!
May 1, 2010
Happy International Scrapbook Day!!!
Don't forget to download your May Desktop Freebie! I really wanted to make something to celebrate International Scrapbook Day, but my computer doesn't allow me to do anything but scrap...the other functions are evidently too hard for it to handle, since it's ancient. So, no extracting for me :-(
Hopefully, you will enjoy a little beach break every time you sit down to your desk! Happy International Scrapbook Day!!!
I used products from the following designers to scrap this freebie, make sure you look them up!
(Shoeshoe and TexasHero fonts), papers, net, and shells from a collaboration of designers at Boutique Digiscrap, sand from EloDesigns, papers from Raspberry Road Designs and AzurScrap, and Alpha and drawn heart by Danielle Corbitt.
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