July 20, 2010

For Today...July 20th

Outside my window...it is dark. I stay up way too late these days! Thankfully, it is nowhere near as hot as it has been lately!

I am wearing...jeans and a pink tee shirt, but I should be wearing jammies!

I am thinking...maybe positive thinking works better than I thought (yes I know that's not really a positive way to say it!).

I am thankful for...friends that accept you, faults and all. New friends and old friends alike...i feel like new friends are soul mates that are actually old friends I haven't seen in a while :-)

From the kitchen...well, it's too late for it, but popcorn. Try the Lightly Salted kind from Orville Redenbacher!

I am creating...well, computer issues are keeping me from creating anything digital, and a lack of funds is keeping me from traditional crafting, so... I'm in a rut right now!

I am reading...Spiritual Fitness by Nancy Mramor, Ph.D.  PLEASE go get this book!

From the learning rooms...I am researching canning since it's been a while. I love making homemade goodies and I have about seven quarts of fresh picked blue berries waiting to be made into something yummy!

I am hoping... for the will power to keep up with my positive changes. I will not beat myself up for eating one thing that might be a bad choice, or for skipping out on one day of walking. I will get back on the wagon when I fall off and keep on trucking!

I am hearing...my poor fur baby Pumpkin up in the bed room wondering where Mommy is...who knew such a small cat could meow so loud?!

I am going... to stick to my journaling, and make sure I keep my positive affirmations in mind to crowd out the negativity. I will be a healthier happier person, regardless of my weight or financial status. I am worth it!

Around the house...well, I need to vacuum AGAIN (thanks to the dog), and more laundry. Oh, and I need to get the coffee pot ready for my hubby in the morning! Gotta have that go-go juice!

I am remembering...a quote from the current book I am reading. Nothing has meaning except what you give meaning.

Quote to commit to memory..."Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it" ~Goethe

A few plans for the week...well, house work! I will journal, take time for myself, slow down and appreciate the little things, exercise, eat right, and say at least one positive thing about myself every day.

On of my favorite things...picking blueberries on a farm in the morning with friends!

From my lens...speaking of blueberries! This is a few shots of the fresh blueberries Deanna, Mary, and I hand picked at Conn's Farm here in North East. Like my friend Shauna said: "Look at all those antioxidants!"


  1. There are SO many positives about you, girl! You should have NO problem telling yourself only one! You're beautiful! Smart! Caring! Funny! and we love you!

  2. AW! Thank you...now I'm all teared up! Love you guys too!


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